Walden Oaks Homeowners’ Association

Walden Shores Property Owner’s Association, Inc.

Walden Shores Homeowners’ Association Officers
President Terry Cala
Vice-President Jocelyne La Rochelle
Secretary/Treasurer Allen Butler
Director Jerzy Seerafin
Director Lynda Allard

Board Members updated 04/12/2024

Walden Shores Homeowner’s Association Property Manager
Deb Swinderman Ability Management, Inc.
Mail Address 6769 Lone Oak Blvd. Naples, FL 34109
Telephone (239) 591-4200
Fax (239) 596-1919
E-Mail deb@abilityteam.com

The Walden Shores Property Owners Association documents listed here are recorded with the Collier County Clerk of Circuit Court. You may request an official copy of the documents as recorded at the offices of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County.

An unofficial copy of these documents have been placed on the Walden Oaks website at www.waldenoaks.net with Collier County Recorder Book and Page numbers referenced.

Walden Shores Property Owners Association Document

Title Pages Record Number
Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants

Amendment to Section 3.6 Priority Of Liens
Amendment to Section 5.1 and 5.2 Mailbox Maintenance
Amendment to Section 3.10 1 And 9.6 Mortgage Foreclosure and Application Fee
Amendment to Section 10.2 Term of Lease
Addition of Section 9.7 Restriction of renting for new owners
Addition of Section 3.11 Working Capitol Contribution
Amendment to Sction 4.3 Nominations and Electorns




OR: 4394 PG: 1452
- through -
OR: 4394 PG: 1478
OR: 4786 PG: 3178-3179
OR: 4797 PG: 2468-2469
OR: 5200 PG: 1320-1321

OR: 5256 PG: 1270-1271
OR: 5509 PG 1679-1680

OR: 5911 PG 213-214
OR: 6442 PG 2580-2581
Property Plat Maps 2 Book 25 Page 88
Book 25 Page 89
Articles of Incorporation 6 OR: 4394 PG: 1479
- through -
OR: 4394 PG: 1484
By-Laws 12 OR: 4394 PG: 1485
- through -
OR: 4394 PG: 1496
Storm Drain Diagram 3  


Walden Oaks Homeowners’ Association
