Walden Oaks Homeowners’ Association

Clubhouse Policy


To reserve the Clubhouse, Contact the Clubhouse Coordinator at Ability Management 6736 Lone Oak Blvd. (239)591-4200

Clubhouse Coordinator: Lisa Staudacher       info@abilityteam.com


MASTER ASSOCIATION POLICY(Reviewed and Approved by the Walden Oaks Board 11/15/2012) Revised 5/21/2015

The priority of usage is

1. Master Association.

2. Individual associations, on request of their presidents

3. Established social and cultural groups, including WOHOA social events

4. Individual owners

Functions other than association meetings must be solely for social purposes. No professional meetings.

Any Function 50 guest maximum – must be limited to between 8 am and 10:30 pm.

Reservation are requested through the Clubhouse Coordinator at Ability Management Inc. (239)591-4200) 6736 Lone Oak Blvd. or Info@abilityteam.com) at least one week in advance of the desired date. The deposit will be collected at the time of confirmation of the request.

No function may continue beyond 10:30 pm (although quiet unobtrusive clean-up may proceed until 11 pm, latest).

Arrangements for the opening and closing of the clubhouse well be made between the applicant and the Coordinator, at the time of the payment of the security deposit (see “Receipt”, below).

All activities must be confined to the interior of the Clubhouse. The tennis court and swimming pool are specifically excluded from use by private parties.

Decoration may only be affixed to the building with safe-release tape (No tacks).

Other members remain entitled to use the toilets (via the outside doors).

After the event (by 11:00 pm, same day)

1. The refrigerator shall be wiped down and trash placed (bagged) in the large garbage bins, in the rear.

2. All decorations, tape etc. shall be removed

3. Carpeting, counters, tables, chairs, toilets, etc. should be left as found

4. Thermostat should be set at 78°, kitchen light only "ON"

5. All guest vehicles must be removed from the parking lot by 11:00 pm.

6. Immediately following the inspection of the facility, you will be reimbursed the $100.00 security, from which may be deducted the amount required to cover any needed additional professional clean-up, repairs or the loss of the Clubhouse.

Security Deposit $100.00

The User Security Deposit shall be in the form of one (1) check covering the security deposit ($100), to be returned in whole or in part in accordance with the above policy.
